Sunday, October 24, 2010

Come&Live Spotlight: Preson Phillips

Here we go with another Come&Live Spotlight. This time it's probably the C&L artist I was most familiar with before discovering C&L: Preson Phillips.

I first discovered him when he had his debut album, "The Observant And The Anawim" for free download off of his website. Preson Phillips mainly uses acoustic guitar and his voice (along with drums and background vocals at times) in order to craft worship music. The album begins with "The Lord's Prayer" with a skillful guitar intro and Preson's great voice. The music on the album overall is smooth and perfect to relax to. My two favorite tracks off of the album are "Then They Will Know" and "Hold Me Down." "Then They Will Know" features vocals from Aaron Gillespie (from Underoath and The Almost) and is an anthem for Christian life. "And then they will know, we are forgiven; and then they will know we are loved, God; and then they will know, cause they have seen and they have heard, and with our hands and with our feet we have shown love." "Hold Me Down" is the most emotional track on the album and is one I can really relate to.

Preson's latest album, "Weep . . . For He Loves the Mourner's Tears," is also a great listen and one that will stay on your iPod for a long time. Featuring the same basic sound, Preson again constructs prayerful songs that relate to all of humanity. "Deuteronomy Six" is my favorite song off of the album and constructs an addicting melody to a Bible passage many have heard. "We will hold with our hands, we will tie to our heads, we will sing to our children the things we have read. We will hail when we lie down, when we rise from our beds; for as long as skies remain, our king will reign." Other great songs from the album include "Psalm 23," "What Breadth?" and "Open For Me."

As with all of the posts on this blog, no amount of explanation can fully capture Preson Phillips's great music. Both of his albums are available on the Come&Live website and are well worth the downloads.

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